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Ericsson Soars, Nokia Slips After AT&T Deal

Big News: AT&T has partnered with Ericsson in a $14 billion, five-year deal to build a new telecom network utilizing cost-saving Open RAN (Radio Access Network) technology. This deal is expected to cover 70% of AT&T's U.S. wireless traffic by 2026.

Impact: This decision marks a significant shift in the telecom landscape, boosting Ericsson's presence in the North American market and potentially eroding Nokia's foothold. Ericsson's shares soared 9% on the news, while Nokia's plummeted 8%.

Open RAN Revolution: Unlike traditional networks relying on proprietary equipment, Open RAN leverages cloud-based software and gear from various suppliers, leading to substantial cost reductions for operators. While still in its early stages, Open RAN has gained traction with companies like Dish and Rakuten.

AT&T's Commitment: AT&T dedicated significant resources to evaluate Open RAN, analyzing the technology for six months and soliciting proposals from multiple vendors. This substantial investment underscores their commitment to Open RAN and its potential.

Financial Implications: AT&T's spending over the contract's duration could reach $14 billion, solidifying Ericsson as their primary supplier. Conversely, Nokia expects a decline in revenue from AT&T over the next few years, potentially impacting their profitability and delaying their desired profit margin.

Industry Reaction: While this deal represents a major win for Ericsson and Open RAN, Nokia's relationship with AT&T isn't completely severed. They anticipate continued sales in other areas, suggesting a potentially evolving partnership.

Looking Forward: This deal marks a significant step towards Open RAN's widespread adoption, potentially disrupting the traditional telecom market structure and driving greater competition and innovation.

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